Want Cheap Amtrak Tickets? We’ve Got You Covered
Who doesn't love discounted prices? Here are 6 ways to pay less for your next trip.
- Únase a Amtrak Guest Rewards
- Reserve con 14 Días de Antelación
- Buy Your Tickets Online or on Your Phone
- Bring Your Kids
- Viaje Grupal
- Follow @Amtrak on Social Media
Every time you ride with us, you can earn Amtrak Guest Rewards points toward free trips. Joining the loyalty program is completely free, and promotions come directly to your inbox. It's a really simple premise: You ride, you ganar puntos. Even better, if you ride a lot, then you get bumped up to higher tiers in the program that earn you even more points per ride.
The early bird really does get the worm. If you plan ahead and book your seats early, you can get the worm and the best ticket prices across the country. In fact, you can save 25 percent or more off the lowest available fares when you book 14 days in advance. Just choose the Adult passenger type when booking to receive the discounted fare.
In case you were planning on waiting until the last minute and buying your tickets when you get to the station — don’t. Our best prices are listed on Amtrak.com. There you'll find exclusive en promociones y descuentos diarios. Our best prices are also available on the Amtrak app. Not only do you get the best prices, but you'll also be able to change your reservation and check your train's status right from your smartphone. Easy, right?
Kids ages 2-12 travel for half price! That's right, the kiddos are eligible to receive a 50% discount on the lowest available adult rail fare on most Amtrak trains. With all the money you save, you can buy them lots of candy and soda from the Coche Café. We kid. But that would be pretty awesome.
Cuantos más viajen con usted, mayor será su ahorro. Group travel is easy to book and way more fun when you're with close friends and family. We also offer something called Pasajes Compartidos: you can save up to 45% on six tickets. Tell the gang - it's time to plan a trip.
We're constantly sharing our latest deals and promos online. Plus we're kinda funny, too. Throughout the day we'll post travel updates, our latest discounts and inspo for your next rail adventure. Most importantly, following us is free. Check us out here.

Amtrak Guest Rewards
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