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Quiénes Somos
As we continue to create a diverse and inclusive workplace that leads to a culture of belonging, we are continually assessing, analyzing, and taking actionable steps in response to our diversity data. Knowing the importance of data overall and its impact, we aim to present our data in a way that is simple, salient, and comparable. We will use it to leverage company-wide action and set diversity goals that in turn create accountability.
Datos y características demográficas
Más de
20,000 empleados
16,546 Agreement
3,477 Management
5 Generations of our Workforce
<1% Traditionalists
18% Baby Boomers
30% Generation X
47% Millennials
4% Generation Z
Workforce Diversity
<1% Disability
9% Veteran Status
21% Female /
79% Male
18% Agreement /
82% Agreement
31% Management /
69% Management
Premios y Reconocimientos

Forbes - Best Place to Work and New Graduates
The Best Employers for New Graduates 2022 were identified in an independent survey taken by approximately 20,000 young professionals working for companies in the United States on work-related issues and their experiences in the workplace. Amtrak is committed to fostering an environment where diverse ideas, backgrounds and perspectives are cultivated and respected. We empower employees to reach their full potential with a wide range of professional and personal advancement opportunities.
Forbes - Best Place to Work and New Graduates
The Best Employers for New Graduates 2022 were identified in an independent survey taken by approximately 20,000 young professionals working for companies in the United States on work-related issues and their experiences in the workplace. Amtrak is committed to fostering an environment where diverse ideas, backgrounds and perspectives are cultivated and respected. We empower employees to reach their full potential with a wide range of professional and personal advancement opportunities.

HRC Corporate Equality Index
For the first time, Amtrak was acknowledged for our efforts to support the LGBTQ+ community by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation. This recognition came as the result of our efforts to create a diverse workplace where we strive to make all employees feel respected, expected, valued, and heard.
Amtrak earned 90 out of 100 possible points, considered a "top score." This number resulted from meeting detailed criteria in non-discrimination policies across business entities, equitable benefits for LGBTQ+ workers and their families, supporting an inclusive culture and corporate social responsibility.
The full report is available online at www.hrc.org/cei.
HRC Corporate Equality Index
For the first time, Amtrak was acknowledged for our efforts to support the LGBTQ+ community by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation. This recognition came as the result of our efforts to create a diverse workplace where we strive to make all employees feel respected, expected, valued, and heard.
Amtrak earned 90 out of 100 possible points, considered a "top score." This number resulted from meeting detailed criteria in non-discrimination policies across business entities, equitable benefits for LGBTQ+ workers and their families, supporting an inclusive culture and corporate social responsibility.
The full report is available online at www.hrc.org/cei.

Disability Equality Index
Amtrak was proud to be recognized as a "2022 Best Places to Work for People with Disabilities" after we received the score of 100 on the Disability Equality Index (DEI). The DEI is a tool that helps measure tangible actions that companies take to achieve disability inclusion and equality based on several categories such as community engagement and employment practices.
For more information about the DEI survey, visit disabilityequalityindex.org.
Disability Equality Index
Amtrak was proud to be recognized as a "2022 Best Places to Work for People with Disabilities" after we received the score of 100 on the Disability Equality Index (DEI). The DEI is a tool that helps measure tangible actions that companies take to achieve disability inclusion and equality based on several categories such as community engagement and employment practices.
For more information about the DEI survey, visit disabilityequalityindex.org.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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