New and Inclusive Benefits

Holiday Pay: All Employees Received Juneteenth as an Additional Holiday
In recognition of Juneteenth, all employees received Juneteenth as an additional holiday in 2022 - the holiday was observed on June 20.
Holiday Pay: All Employees Received Juneteenth as an Additional Holiday
In recognition of Juneteenth, all employees received Juneteenth as an additional holiday in 2022 - the holiday was observed on June 20.

Management Employees: Expanded Eligibility – Enhancements Were Aimed to Strengthen Our Culture
- New Surrogacy Policy — Employees are now able to receive up to $10,000 reimbursement when using a surrogate to grow your family (applies to all management, regardless of gender or sexual orientation).
- Fertility Health Care Services — Now available without infertility diagnosis (easily accessible, more inclusive, applies to management employees regardless of gender or sexual orientation).
- Additional Gender Affirmation Support — Health care coverage for addressing secondary gender characteristics.
Management Employees: Expanded Eligibility – Enhancements Were Aimed to Strengthen Our Culture
- New Surrogacy Policy — Employees are now able to receive up to $10,000 reimbursement when using a surrogate to grow your family (applies to all management, regardless of gender or sexual orientation).
- Fertility Health Care Services — Now available without infertility diagnosis (easily accessible, more inclusive, applies to management employees regardless of gender or sexual orientation).
- Additional Gender Affirmation Support — Health care coverage for addressing secondary gender characteristics.
ERG Events
Here's a look at some events our ERGs hosted in FY22:
A. Philip Randolph
In FY22, A. Philip Randolph hosted their second annual Juneteenth Celebration which featured singers, guest speakers, remarks from Executive Sponsors, HBCU and Divine 9 presentations and a message from Guest Honoree Opal Lee, often known as the “Grandmother of Juneteenth."
The DDOA ERG hosted a Lunch and Learn about Language and Inclusivity which highlighted the importance of the language we use and what each of us can do to counter ableism and improve inclusivity for our colleagues and customers.
Military Community Network
The Military Community Network ERG partnered with the Employee Assistance Program and hosted a Lunch and Learn Webinar on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Participants got a chance to learn the definition, common myths vs. facts, symptoms, relationships self-care and treatment.
El Tren del Pensamiento
The Train of Thought ERG held a Suicide Prevention Webinar which included education about suicide, the stigma, and what anyone can do to intervene with someone who may be at risk. The webinar highlighted QPR training, which is a simple but effective approach on how to approach someone who may be at risk.
Asian Pacific American
The Asian Pacific American ERG hosted an interactive training which encouraged the expansion of the heart and mind through learning about #StopAsianHate.
Express Pride
The Express Pride ERG made appearances in both DC Capital Pride and NYC’s Pride Fests this year in 2022.
Notch 8
In FY22, the Notch 8 ERG partnered with Learning and Development to host the 50 Ways to Fight Bias Virtual Series, a virtual training focusing on biases women face in the workplace with emphasis on intersectional identities.
The UNIDOS ERG held Hispanic Heritage Month Programming including Fireside Chats and workshops on topics such as embracing Multiculturalism and improving interview skills.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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