Elevate Your Travel Experience with Amtrak BidUp
Elevate Your Travel Experience with Amtrak BidUp
Two Easy Ways to Upgrade
Instant Purchase
Place a Bid
Business Class

Enjoy an enhanced experience for your trip, including the following amenities:
- A dedicated car or section on the train
- Extra legroom
- A 25% point bonus for Guest Rewards members
- Reserved seating (available exclusively on Northeast Regional, Palmetto, Carolinian, Vermonter)
- Upgrades to accessible seating available
Acela First Class

The ultimate experience when traveling in the Northeast. Acela First Class offers an array of premium amenities, including:
- Single, double and conference table seating
- At-seat service with complimentary meals and beverages
- A 50% point bonus for Guest Rewards members
- Complimentary lounge access
- Priority boarding
- Reserved seating
- Upgrades to accessible seating available

For customers seeking both comfort and privacy, Roomettes feature:
- Two comfortable seats by day
- Upper and lower berths by night
- Fresh towels and linens
- Access to a private restroom and shower in your car
- A dedicated Sleeping Car attendant
- Complimentary lounge access
- Priority boarding
- Complimentary meals

For customers seeking plenty of space and amenities, Bedrooms feature:
- 2x the space of a Roomette
- A sofa and armchair by day
- Upper and lower berths by night
- Fresh towels and linens
- In-room sink, restroom and shower
- A dedicated sleeping car attendant
- Complimentary lounge access
- Priority boarding
- Complimentary meals
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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