Environmental Remediation
Environmental Remediation
Amtrak was founded in 1971, and in 1976, Amtrak acquired historical rail lines and yards from Amtrak's predecessor railroads along the Northeast Corridor (NEC). El NEC se electrificó entre 1905 y 1938. Historical railroad operations included the use of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) for electric powered, rail equipment. Amtrak is actively remediating sites along the NEC that have been impacted from the historical use of PCBs. Members of the public are invited to review information on the five sites highlighted here and provide comments.

¿Qué son los bifenilos policlorados?
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are human-made organic chemicals that are part of the chlorinated hydrocarbons family. PCBs were manufactured for use in industrial and commercial applications until their production was banned in 1979. Due to PCBs non-flammability, stability, and electrical insulation properties, PCB-containing oil was used on the railroad in capacitors, electric powered rail equipment, and transformers. PCBs do not break down easily, are persistent in soil, and bioaccumulate (meaning they can accumulate over time in a living organism). According to the US EPA, PCBs have been shown to cause adverse health effects to animals and humans.
¿Qué son los bifenilos policlorados?
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are human-made organic chemicals that are part of the chlorinated hydrocarbons family. PCBs were manufactured for use in industrial and commercial applications until their production was banned in 1979. Due to PCBs non-flammability, stability, and electrical insulation properties, PCB-containing oil was used on the railroad in capacitors, electric powered rail equipment, and transformers. PCBs do not break down easily, are persistent in soil, and bioaccumulate (meaning they can accumulate over time in a living organism). According to the US EPA, PCBs have been shown to cause adverse health effects to animals and humans.
Remediation Projects
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